

Universität Rostock
Chair of Geotechnics and Coastal Engineering
18051 Rostock
Fon: +49 (0) 381 498 3701; Fax: +49 (0) 381 498 3702
Email: fokke.saathoff(at)
The University of Rostock is a public body.
The chair is legally represented by the chair holder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fokke Saathoff
Tax ID number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 137385436.


Technical University Gdansk
Water and Soil Association “Untere Warnow – Küste”
Hanseatic City of Rostock, Civil Engineering and Harbour Construction Office
Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Department Applied Landscape Planning Rostock

Design and implementation

Spion Media Internetagentur, Rostock

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