DredgDikes Overflowing Experiments 2013 in Rostock

During the four weeks of September the first set of overflowing tests are being performed at the Rostock test dike. The test setup was designed following ASTM D-6460 (channel test for erosion control products) and the method used in the NTPEP testing program for rolled erosion control products in the USA. Therefore, three parallel flumes with a width of 0.60 m are installed on the landside slopes of the test dike. On the first of two testing days usually five stages of discharge are realised for 45 minutes each, with erosion measurements between each stage. On the second testing day a longer term experiment with a duration of at least 6 hours is performed using a high discharge.

Here are some images of the first tests performed:

DredgDikes polder3 filled

DredgDikes polder3 filled

DredgDikes polder3 overflowing test

DredgDikes polder2 overflowing test

DredgDikes polder2 overflowing test