Lead Partner: University of Rostock

Partner Description:

The chair of Geotechnics and Coastal Engineering closely connected with the Department of Maritime Systems at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research has specialised in geosynthetics for the last three decades. Prof. Saathoff is a world-known specialist in this field. Since about 10 years, the dewatering of dredged materials has been a main research field, and four years ago the institute started to investigate their application in dike construction. Other institutes of Rostock University have also been intensively working on the topic of dredged materials, such as contamination and soil fertility aspects.

Role in the Project:

In the project, the University of Rostock is the lead beneficiary and as such member of the steering and monitoring groups.

LB is responsible for the components (1) management and coordination, (2) communication and dissemination, and (5) the development of the best practice guideline.


University of Rostock
Chair of Geotechnics and Coastal Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fokke Saathoff (Project Leader)
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, LAG II,
18059 Rostock

Contact persons:

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Cantré (Project Manager and Coordinator)

Phone: +49-381-4983701
Fax:      +49-381-4983702
Email: stefan.cantre(at)uni-rostock.de