
1. Zarządzanie i Koordynacja


(English) Component 1 contains all management and coordination activities.
Information on the DredgDikes organisation structure and the project management tools can be found in this article.

2. Komunikacja i Rozpowszechnianie


3. Badania Terenowe i Laboratoryjne


(English) Component 3 contains the large-scale field tests both in Germany and Poland and the corresponding laboratory experiments, both for preliminary material characterisation and for accompanying tests within the field experiments.

5. Wytyczne Projektowe


(English) Component 5 contains all activities regarding the planned best practice guideline.
The guideline will enable authorities and planners among the South Baltic region to efficiently use different dredged materials in dike construction. It will cover basic knowledge about dredged materials and dike construction, design and construction rules, construction methods and environmental aspects. It will be published in three languages: Englisch, Polish, and German.