1. Management and Coordination


The project management and coordination system is organized according to the following top-down principle (see DredgDikes organigram):

Project coordination

Project coordinator: Dr.-Ing. Stefan Cantré

Responsible for:

  • Project administration
  • General project management
  • Accessible communication basis including following main tasks:

  1. Ensuring an implementation of the components acc. to the work plans
  2. Communication with JTS and participation in its seminars + consultations,
  3. Chair of SG meetings (every 6 month, rotate among the partners) incl. documentation, and
  4. Contribution to administrative management, fund distribution to partners and financial monitoring in cooperation with the external expert in charge of administrative and financial management (tendering arrange by LB and PO).

Associated organisations

The Associated Partners are divided into two groups.

  1. This group will actively contribute to the project investments.
  2. This group provides support and dissemination services within the network.

Project management tools and project progress

The project management and coordination is organized using Project Management software in combination with an online SharePoint Server solution.
The project progress will be displayed on this website using Gantt diagrams from the PM tool.

Outsorced financial management

The administrative and financial management is outsourced to Steinbeis Technology Management North-East. Technical reports will be generated six-monthly.

First level control

Germany: FLC will be conducted by a local accounting firm twice a year.

Poland: Partner will be audited by voivodship office in Gdańsk.